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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, llth May, 1933.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., followed by Sir JOHN G. CUMMING, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., in the chair.

Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., and the Hon.

George Colville were re-elected Chairman and Deputy-Chairman of the Institution re- spectively.

Paid £14,713 5s. 3d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of life-boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £54 9s. Od. to pay the rewards for life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp.

108-110 ; £125 Is. Od. to pay the rewards for life-boat launches, accounts of which appear on p. 110; £3 Is. Od. for the assembly of a crew ; £30 9s. 4d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Caister and Rye Harbour ; £13 10s. Od. to a man for injury in the life-boat service at Caister ; Voted a grant of £3 towards the funeral expenses of Richard Williams, ex-second coxswain of the Holyhead steam life-boat, who was compelled to retire, several years ago, owing to ill health, and was in very poor circumstances.

Voted £7 13s. Od. to pay the rewards for shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on p. 115.

Thursday, 15th June, 1933.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that the congratulations of the Committee be conveyed to Major-General the Rt. Hon. J. E. B. Seely on his elevation to the peerage.

Produced a report on the Life-boat Exhibition at Charing Cross Underground Station, and resolved that the thanks of the Committee be conveyed to the Underground Railways for their generosity in placing the site at the disposal of the Institution, and supplying light, power and policing without charge.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Mrs. Ann Brotherton, deceased, £ s. d.

donation from executors - 100 0 0 Mr. W. Gardner - - 50 0 0 Anonymous - - - 50 0 0 Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. 25 0 0 Miss S. M. Maclaren, deceased, donation from executors - 25 0 0 Paid £21,710 12s. 8d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, includ- ing rewards for services, payments for the construction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of the life- boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £107 14s. 9d. to pay the rewards for life- boat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 110-112; £156 14s. 3d. to pay the rewards for life- boat launches, accounts of which appear on p. 112; £6 for assemblies of crews, etc. ; £347 3s. 2d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Aldeburgh, Caister, Eastbourne, Fethard, Filey, Fraserburgh, Holyhead, Johnshaven, The Mumbles, New Brighton, Newhaven, Padstow,. Port St. Mary, Rams- gate, Rhoscolyn, Rye, St. Andrews, St.

David's, Troon, Wells and Whitby ; £73 2s. 6d. to men for injury in the life-boat service at Blackpool, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Cardigan, Newhaven, Moelfre, and Walmer.

Voted £2 17s. 6d. to pay the rewards for shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 115-116.

Thursday, 13th July, 1933.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Resolved that Major Sir Maurice Cameron be appointed a Vice-President of the Institution.

Resolved that the thanks of the Committee be conveyed to Admiral of the Fleet, Sir Henry F. Oliver, for his services to the Institution, particularly in visiting Islay in connexion with the establishment of a life- boat station at Port Askaig.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Trustees of the late Mr. William £ s. d.

Thorngate - - - 80 0 0 Court of Assistants of the Dra- pers' Company - - 50 0 0 Independent Order of Oddfellows Manchester Unity Friendly Society - - - 50 0 0 Paid £26,258 Os. 8d. for the total charges of the Institution during the month, including rewards for services, payments for the con- struction of life-boats, life-boathouses and slipways, and the maintenance of the life- boat stations.

Included in the above were :— £23 16s. 6d. to pay the rewards for life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp.

112-114 ; £53 3s. Od. to pay the rewards for life-boat launches, accounts of which appear on pp. 114-115 ; £3 18s. 6d. for assemblies of crews, etc. ; £37 Is. 8d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who had lost their lives in the life-boat service at Caister and Rye Harbour.

Voted a grant of £5 towards the funeral expenses of Thomas Herkes, at one time a member of the crew of the Dunbar and Skateraw life-boats, whose widow is in straitened circumstances.

Voted an ex gratia grant of £5 for the benefit of Richard Burgess, an ex-life-boat- man at Lynmouth, who is in straitened circumstances.

Voted £9 4s. Od. to pay the rewards for shoreboat services, accounts of which appear on p. 116..