First Aid for the Shipwrecked
A NEW division of the St. John Ambu- lance Brigade has been formed at Brixham, where it will work in conjunc- tion with the Torbay life-boat, turning out whenever the life-boat receives a call, and standing by to give first aid to any among the shipwrecked or life-boat crew who may come ashore injured.
For a number of years there has been very close co-operation between the life-boat station and the local division of the St. John Ambulance Brigade at Plymouth, where the Brigade's county commissioner for Devon deals person- ally with all shipwreck calls, has been out in the life-boat on service to give aid to a man who was known to be injured, and has instructed the life-boat crew in first aid. It was as a result of the proposals of the Devon commis- sioner that the same system of co- operation was extended in 1926 to the majority of the life-boat stations, which work in conjunction with the St. John Ambulance Brigade and the British Red Cross Society in England and Wales, and with the St. Andrew's Ambulance Association in Scotland.* • See articles " First Aid for the Shipwrecked," In The lA/e-boattor September, 1926, and Decem- ber, 1931..