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Death of Two Honorary Workers. Mr. C. A. Myers, of Lytham, and Ex-Lord Provost Longair, of Dundee

Mr. C. A. Myers, of Lytham, and ex-Lord Provost Longair, of Dundee.

THE Institution has lost two old and valued friends by the death of Mr.

Charles Arthur Myers, of Lytham, Lancashire, and ex-Lord Provost Longair, D.L., J.P., of Dundee.

Mr. Myers, who died on llth April last, in his 74th year, was clerk to the Lytham Improvement Commissioners, and for forty years was the honorary secretary of the Lytham life-boat station. He was appointed in 1891 and retired in 1931. As marks of its appreciation of his long and valued services the Institution presented Mr.

Myers with inscribed binoculars in 1902, and, on his retirement, with its thanks inscribed on vellum.

Ex-LoRD PROVOST LONGAIR died at the beginning of May, a month after he had celebrated his 90th birthday. He and Mrs. Longair, who died nearly two years before him at the age of 83, had for many years been very closely associated with the work of the Dundee branch. For twenty-five years Mrs.

Longair was president of the Dundee Ladies' Auxiliary, which, in 1922, became the Dundee Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and the ex-Lord Provost him- self gave much valuable help to the branch as a member of its committee for over twenty years. Before that he and Mrs. Longair had shown their gener- ous interest in the Institution by their work for the Life-boat Saturday Fund..