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The S.S. Co-Operator

At 8 A.M. on the 17th December, 1932, the s.s. Co- operator, of Fenit, while bound, with a crew of three, from Tralee Canal to Fenit, encountered a strong S.W. gale with a rough sea. She could not make headway, and dropped anchor, but it did not hold, and she drifted towards some dangerous rocks. She was seen from shore by the honorary secretary of the life-boat station, and the motor life-boat John A. Hay was launched, the honorary secretary accompanying her. The life-boat quickly got along- side and a life-boatman was put aboard.

Then with his help, and with the life- boat in attendance, the Co-operator was taken safely to Fenit Pier. But for the help given by the life-boat the Co-operator and her crew would prob- ably have been lost.—Rewards, £5 14s..