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The Sailing Trawler Ivanhoe

At 6.5 A.M. on the 16th February the coxswain heard that a sailing trawler was ashore on the south beach. He went to the coast- guard look-out, and then to the life- boat pier and saw the trawler on the beach, rolling heavily in a ground swell. The motor life-boat Agnes Cross put off at 6.15 A.M. She found that the trawler was the Ivanhoe, of Lowestoft, and that she was returning to port from the fishing grounds, with a crew of five. She was fast aground, and straining and bumping hard. As the crew did not wish to leave her the life-boat stood by while a tug tried to refloat her. After an hour and a half the tug succeeded in towing her off and into harbour, and the life-boat returned to her moorings, arriving at 9.15 A.M.

—Rewards, £27 11s. 6d..