The Institution's First Statement of Accounts
Statement of the Receipt and Expenditure of the Royal National Life-boat Institution for the Preservation of Life from Shipwreck, to March 1, 1825.
1825 March 1 To amount of Donations and Subscriptions received to this day Interest on Exchequer Bills £ s. d.
9706 120 CT.
1825 March 1 £ s. d.
By advertisements paid to this day 470 10 11 Stationery and Printing .. 205 16 9 Rent and Furniture .. .. 224 17 9 Clerks, Postage, Porterage, etc. 442 7 0 Rewards 466 7 9 £5000 3 per cent Reduced .. 4756 5 0 £2500 Exchequer Bills . . 2607 7 1 Balance at Bankers' . . 652 14 3 £9826 6 6 £9826 6 6 London, March 1, 1825.
T. A. CURTIS ] H. SIKES [-Auditors.
WM. THOMPSON ] Memorandum. The Committee are under engagements for Life-boats, Apparatus, etc., which it is estimated will amount to .. .. .. .. £3750 0 0 Readers of The Life-boat will be interested to compare this statement of accounts for the first year of the Institution's work with the statement on pages 96-99 of the income and expenditure in 1932..