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General Burwood and Struan

A message was received on the 19th January from the coast- guard stating that a vessel was ashore two miles south of Belhelvie coastguard station, and the Aberdeen No. 1 motor life-boat Emma Constance put out at 7.10 P.M. She found the Hull trawler General Birdwood close inshore, but afloat. The trawler was bound for Iceland, but, when off Buchaness, had picked up an empty boat belonging to the steam trawler Struan, the crew of which had been rescued by the Peter- head motor life-boat when the vessel was wrecked the day before, and was making for Aberdeen to leave the boat there. The trawler, which had been signalling for a pilot, was escorted by the life-boat to Aberdeen, where the pilot boat took charge of her. The weather was thick at times and a moderate northerly wind was blowing with a moderate sea.—Rewards, £13 11s. 6rf..