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Fortunatus. Noel II and Venus

Six motor fish- ing boats from Whitby put to sea on the morning of the 10th February. By the time that they were expected back a moderate N.N.E. gale was blowing, with a very heavy sea and snow, showers, making the entrance into harbour very dangerous. Before any of them returned a Scarborough fishing boat was seen approaching and the motor life-boat Margaret Harker Smith was launched at 11.15 A.M. She warned the fishing boat and her skipper said that he would make for Scar- borough. The life-boat then remained alongside the fishquay until 12.45 P.M., when she put out again and escorted in the three Whitby boats, Fortunatus, Noel II and Venus. About 3 P.M. the coastguard signalled that the fishing boat Pilot Me, another Whitby boat, was broken down off Staithes, and the life-boat set out once more. She found that the Pilot Me had put up sail, and shortly afterwards her engine was got going again. The life-boat escorted her back to Whitby. The other two boats had meanwhile made Scarborough, and the life-boat returned to her station, arriving there at 4.45 P.M.—Rewards, £8 55. &d..