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Ethel Edith

On the morning of the 18th February a message was received from the King's Harbour Master that Yealm coastguard had reported that a vessel, apparently flying distress signals, was anchored about three miles south-west of Mew- stone. A moderate E.N.E. gale was blowing, with a rough sea and snow.

The honorary secretary, after making further enquiries regarding the nature of the signals, decided to send out the motor life-boat Robert and Marcella Beck, and she left her moorings at 8.40 A.M. She found that the vessel was the ketch Ethel Edith, of Faver- sham, bound light to London, with five persons on board, including the cap- tain's wife. The ketch had had her sails blown away and was in a helpless condition. Her crew were too exhausted to do any work. Some of the life-boat crew went 'aboard, and, after three hours, managed to lift her anchors.

The life-boat then towed her into port.

—Rewards, £6 13s..