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Special Gifts

From the Sale of Lavender.

IT has already been mentioned in The Life-boat that last year money was made for Branches by the sale of flowers at the Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton Life-boathouse, and also at Appledore. The Institution has now received a gift from a subscriber in Bath, who, instead of his usual subscription, has sent a larger sum. the proceeds of the sale of lavender from his garden.

' From Model Life-boats.

LIEUT.-CoL. B. M. HYNES, O.B.E., the Honorary Secretary of the Lyme Regis Station, has recently made two scale models, about three feet long, of the Lyme Regis Life-boat. Each model takes about six months to make. One was disposed of at Lyme Regis and the other at Weymouth. The two models have, in this way, brought £45 to the funds of the Institution. Colonel Hynes is now making a third model.

From Fishing.

Mrs. Lowe, the President of the Halstead and Gosfield Branch, Essex, has, besides her own Christmas con- tribution, sent the sum of £1 10s.

voluntarily subscribed at different times by those who had had a day's fishing in her lake. During the severe frost four years ago Mrs. Lowe collected over a pound among skaters on the lake..