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Millom Castle

Plymouth, Devon.—The Motor Life- boat Robert and Marcella Beck was launched at 9.5 P.M. on the 27th October to the help of the ketch Millom Castle, of Plymouth. A strong W.N.W. gale was blowing, with a very heavy and confused sea, and the Life- boat found the ketch two and a half miles inshore of the Eddystone Light- house, with her engine broken down, all her sails blown away, and her mizzen mast gone. She was water- logged and likely to founder. By the light of his searchlight the Coxswain could see broken spars thrashing about on the lee-side of the wreck, and he was compelled to approach from wind- ward. The bow-fender of the Life- boat was smashed against the wreck as she got alongside her, and other damage was done, but as the two boats touched, the three men of the ketch jumped together into the Life-boat.

The return journey was made against the gale, with great seas sweeping over the Life-boat, and every man hanging on to keep from being washed over- board. The ketch was picked up by a trawler next morning and towed into Plymouth. The Institution awarded its thanks inscribed on vellum and framed to Coxswain James S. Roach.

—Rewards, £11 5s..