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Brigadier-General Noel M. Lake, C.B.

BY the death last Christmas of Briga- dier-General Noel M. Lake, C.B., late of the Royal Engineers, at the age of 82, the Institution has lost a friend who for ten years gave it devoted service as a member of the Committee of Management. General Lake was ap- pointed a member in 1916 and took a very active part in the work of the Committee until, on account of ad- vancing years, he resigned in 1926. He was not only a regular attendant at the monthly meetings of the Committee of Management, but served on no fewer than six of its Sub-Committees, and was Chairman of the Special Com- mittee which arranged the Life-boat House erected at the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley in 1924, the Institution's centenary year. His never-failing courtesy and kindness brought him the affection as well as esteem, both of his colleagues on the Committee of Management, and of the staff of the Institution. When he retired the Committee showed its appreciation of his long and valued services by appointing him an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution. The Institution was represented at the funeral by the Secretary, Lieut.-Col.

C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E..