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Sky Lark and Fisher Lassie

During the night of the 31st July the Coastguard at Knab saw flares being burnt by a vessel in the South entrance. She was evidently drifting seaward. The Life-boat Station was warned, and the Motor Life-boat Lady Jane and Martha Ryland was launched at 12.40 A.M. on the 1st August.

A strong N. breeze was blowing with a moderate sea and rain showers. The Life-boat found the motor launch Sky- lark, of Lerwick, being towed ,into harbour by the motor launch Fisher Lassie, as her engines had broken down, and she had been drifting helplessly.

Owing to the darkness and the fact that neither of the launches carried navi- gation lights, the Fisher Lassie and the Life-boat came into collision, and both were damaged somewhat. The Life-boat took the launches in tow, and brought them safely into Lerwick Harbour, reaching her Station again at 1.15 A.M.

The Honorary Secretary, Mr. G. T.

Kay, accompanied the Life-boat on this service.—-Rewards, £12 10s..