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The S.S. Ocklinge

COVERACK, FALMOUTH and THE LIZARD, CORNWALL.—On the morning of the 4th March a message was received at Falmouth, from the Coast- guard, that a steamer was ashore at Lowland Point and in need of help.

She was the s.s. Ocklinge, of London, bound laden from Bilbao to Port Talbot, with a crew of twenty. The Falmouth Motor Life-boat The Bro- thers was launched at 6 A.M. in a fresh N.N.E. breeze with a moderate sea, but found that the Coverack Motor Life-boat was already standing by the steamer, and she returned to her Station. The Coverack boat Constance Melanie had been launched at 4.15 A.M., as described above, to the Omer Denise, had found her deserted, and seeing the signals of the Ocklinge, had gone to her help. The captain did not wish to abandon his vessel and asked the Life- boat to stand by. This the Life-boat did until two tugs arrived, and then returned to her Station, arriving back at 3.20 P.M. The crew of the Lizard Motor Life-boat Frederick H. Pilley were assembled, but as the other Life- boats were already out it was decided not to launch.—Rewards, Coverack, £15, 16s. Gd. ; Falmouth, £5 14s. ; The Lizard, £3 12s..