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At about 5.30 P.M. on 3rd March, information was received by telephone from the Coast- guard that a vessel about two miles to the westward and close in shore was apparently in difficulties. A moderate E. breeze was blowing with a moderate sea. The Life-boat Richard Crawley was called out at 7.50 P.M. after the Coxswain, who had been out to the vessel in a motor boat, reported that the master did not realise the danger of his position. She was a motor-driven boat, the Surodan, of Bristol, bound for Bideford with gravel, and carrying a crew of four. The tide was low and the Life-boat stuck on the mud. It was not until 10 P.M. that she was able to float off. Meanwhile the Surodan had run ashore and her crew had taken to the ship's boat. Before the Life-boat reached the Surodan she met the boat and towed her into harbour.—Rewards, £63 5s..