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Summary of the Meetings of the Committee of Management

Thursday, April 14th, 1932.

Sir GODFKEY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Reported the death of Sir William Priestley, President of the Bradford Branch, and a Vice- President of the Institution since 1926, and passed a Vote of Sympathy with Lady Priestley.

Appointed Sir John G. Cumming, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., and the Bight Hon. Walter Runciman, M.P., Vice-Presidents of the Institution.

Accepted with regret the resignation of Mr.

Kenneth M. Clark from the Committee of Management.

Resolved that the decision in October, 1931, to close the Cemaes Life-boat Station be adhered to. Also decided to close the Ackergill Life-boat Station. .

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Executors of the late Mr. W. A. £ s. d.

Smith, of Southport . 300 0 0 Miss L. A. Harris . . . 20 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £28,591 2s. 4d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boat Houses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the Life-boat Stations.

Voted £218 8s. 9d. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549; also voted 6s. in connexion with a launch already reported.

Voted £193 16s. 4 2. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat launches, assemblies of crews, etc., accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted a further £5 8s. 4d. on account of pensions already granted to dependent rela- tives of men who lost their lives in the Life- boat Service at Caister and Rye Harbour.

Granted 10s. 6d. to a man for injury in the Life-boat Service at Caister.

Thursday, 12th May, 1932.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., followed by Sir JOHN G. CUMMING, in the Chair.

Re-elected Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., and the Hon. GEORGE COLVILLE as Chairman and Deputy Chairman respectively, for the en- suing year.

Co-opted Captain A. GEANVILLB SOAMES, O.B.E., a member of the Committee of Management.

The Chairman presented to Mr. LESLIE M.

HICHAM the Gold Pendant which had been awarded to him in connexion with the London Stock Exchange Collections.

Reported the receipt of the following special contribution :— Anonymous (donation) . . . £50 Paid £16,385 4s. 3d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the Life-boat Stations.

Voted £125 4s. 9 Z. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549; also voted 18s. in connexion with a launch already reported.

Voted £82 13s. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted a further £38 9s. Id. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Life-boat Service at Brighstone Grange, Caister and St. Andrews.

Granted £14 4s. to men for injury in the Life- boat Service at Newhaven, North Deal and Portpatrick.

Voted a special allowance of 10s. per week to Mrs. Cooper, the widow of a Life-boatman at Ramsgate, who during his lifetime received a special pension from the Institution as a survivor of the Indian Chief rescue in 1881.

Thursday, 9th June, 1932.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Passed a Vote of Thanks to H.R.H. the Prince George, K.G., for his kindness in attending the Inaugural Ceremony of the Motor Life-boat at Aldeburgh and naming the boat on Friday, 27th May.

Reported that H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G., had consented to attend the Inaugural Ceremony of the Torbay Motor Life-boat on the 27th July.

Accepted with regret the resignation of Sir Frederick T. Hopkinson, K.B.E., from the Committee of Management.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Independent Order of Oddfellows, £ s. d.

Manchester Unity Friendly Society 52 10 0 Mrs. Mary Slinger . . . 50 0 0 Mr. Alan'C. Harris . . . 35 0 0 To be thanked.

Paid £18,910 2s. lOrf. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the Life-boat Stations.

Voted £53 11s. 6d. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted £125 18s. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted a further £343 s. 4d. on account of pensions already granted to the dependent relatives of men who lost their lives in the Life-boat Service at Aldeburgh, Caister, Eastbourne, Fethard, Filey, Fraserburgb, Holyhead, Johnshaven, Mumbles, New Brighton, Newhaven, Padstow, Port St.

Mary, Ramsgate, Rhoscolyn, Rye, St. David's, Troon, Wells, and Whitby.

Granted £101 Os. 6d. to men for injury in the Life-boat Service at Blackpool, Broughty Ferry, Caister, Cardigan, Moelfre, Newhaven, North Deal, Torbay and Walmer.

Produced a description of the launch of the Brooke Life-boat by Major-General the Right Hon. J. E. B. Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O:, a member of the Committee of Management and a member of the Brooke Life-boat Crew, on the 15th May, when she went out to the s.s. Roumelian which had been in collision.

Thursday, 14th July, 1932.

Sir GODFREY BARING, Bt., in the chair.

Passed a vote of thanks to the Duke and Duchess of Montrose for making a tour of the Orkneys and Shetlands on behalf of the Institu- tion from the 13th to 30th June.

Reported that Captain J. A. Edgell, O.B.E., R.N., would relieve Vice-Admiral H. P.

Douglas, C.B., C.M.G., as Hydrographer of the Navy on the 1st October, and would thus become an ex-officio member of the Committee of Management. Passed a vote of thanks to Vice-Admiral Douglas for his services to the Institution.

Decided that an expression of appreciation of the arrangements made for the Third Inter- national Life-boat Conference, held in Holland in June, under the auspices of the Noord-en- Zuid Hollandsche Redding-Maatschappij and the Zuid Hollandsche Maatschappij tot redding van schipbreukelingen, be sent to the two Societies.

The Chairman presented to the Rev. A. M.

PECKHAM, Chairman of the Harrow and Dis- trict Branch, the Gold Pendant recently awarded to him by the Institution.

Decided that the North Deal Life-boat Station be permanently closed forthwith ; also decided that the Buckhaven Station be closed in September and the Port Isaac Station in March, 1933.

Decided to convert the Institution's holding of 5 per cent. War Loan.

Reported the receipt of the following special contributions :— Court of Assistants of the Drapers' £ s. d.

Company . . . . 52 10 0 Miss Harvey . . . . 26 5 0 Imperial Chemicals Industries Ltd. 25 0 0 Transport Neuralia . . . 25 0 0 H.M.S. Renown . . . . 21 19 6 To be thanked.

Paid £25,505 7s. Id. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the Life-boat Stations.

Voted £73 13s. 3d. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat services, accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted £137 7s. 6d. to pay the rewards for the Life-boat launches, assemblies of Crews, etc., accounts of which appear on pp. 536-549.

Voted a further £5 on account of a pension already granted to the dependent relative of a man who lost his life in the Life-boat Service at Caister.

Reported that the Air Ministry had given an award of £5 to the Crew of the Bembridge Motor Life-boat in recognition of the valuable services rendered, on the 17th February, when the Life-boat saved a Government Seaplane and rescued her crew of three.

Thursday, 18th August, 1932.

Paid £19,823 17s. 9d. for sundry charges in connexion with the construction of Life-boats, Life-boathouses and Slipways, and the main- tenance of the Life-boat Stations..