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Roelfina II

The Motor Life-boat James Macfee was launched at 6.15 A.M. on 31st March in a half-gale from the N.N.W. with a moderate sea, in response to information from the Coastguard that a vessel with her sails torn appeared to be in distress outside the Soaters, off the Cromarty Firth. She was found to be the Dutch auxiliary schooner Roelfina II., of Gasselternijeveen, of about 150 tons, bound from Seaham to Portknockie with a cargo of coal. Although her sails were in ribbons, she was able, with her auxiliary engines, to make Cromarty Harbour without the Life-boat's help.

The Life-boat returned to her Station at 7.10 A.M.—Eewards, £9 19*. Qd..