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Life-Boat Christmas Card and Calendar

As in previous years, the Institution is issuing this autumn a Life-boat Calen- dar for next year. It is also issuing, for the first time, a Life-boat Christmas card, and we hope that readers of The Lifeboat will buy this calendar for their own use, and will buy both the calendar and card to send to their friends.

The 1933 calendar will have on it a reproduction in colours of a painting by Mr. William McDowell, showing the New Brighton Motor Life-boat on her way to the French steamer Emile Delmas, from which she rescued the whole crew of twenty-four men, in a very heavy N.N.W. gale with gusts at nearly 100 miles an hour. This was the finest service of 1928, the Coxswain being awarded the Silver Medal and each of the eight members of the crew the Bronze Medal. The picture is now the property Of Mr. J. R. Barnett, O.B.E., M.I.N.A., the Consulting Naval Architect of the Institution and the designer of the Barnett type of Motor Life-boat, the first of which type was the New Brighton Life-boat shown in the picture.

The picture is reproduced by Mr.

Barnett's kind permission.

The calendar will be 11| inches long by 9 inches wide, and can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post free, Is. each, or 10s. a dozen, this price including an envelope with each calendar. It will weigh, in the envelope, just under 4 ounces, so that it can be sent through the post, with the envelope open, for d.

The Christmas Card.

The Christmas card will be a four- page card with a Life-boatman's head on the front and the Institution's crest and Christmas greetings inside. It will be a cream card, printed in sepia.

As before, the calendar will have the record of lives saved printed on the front, and other particulars on the back.

The card will have no printing on it except Christmas greetings. It can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity. The price will be 2d. each, including an envelope.

Those who wish to order calendars or cards can do so at once, and they will receive them at the end of November or beginning of December.

They should apply to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 42 Grosvenor Gar- dens, London, S.W.I, and should en- close with their order a postal order or stamps.