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John and George

.—The small motor fishing boat John and George, of Lowestoft, was fishing half a mile south- east of the Coastguard lookout on the morning of 7th April when her engine failed and her net fouled the propeller.

A moderate westerly gale was blowing, and the Life-boat Coxswain kept the boat under observation as he could see that she was drifting, with the strong wind and ebb tide, towards Newcome Sands, where the seas were heavy. At 11.30 A.M. a distress signal was hoisted and the Motor Life-boat Agnes Cross was despatched. She found that the boat had only one man on board, took her in tow and brought her into harbour. But for the help of the Life-boat she would have drifted to the Inner Shoal, where she and the man on board would have been lost.—Rewards, £13 15s..