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Inaugural Ceremony of the Lerwick Motor Life-Boat

IN 1930 the Institution established a Life-boat Station at Lerwick in the Shetlands, and placed there a 51-feet Barnett (Stromness) Motor Life-boat, the largest and most powerful type which it is now building. (A full description of this type will be found on p. 525.) This boat is one of two pro- vided out of a legacy from the late Mr.

William Ryland, of Sheffield, the other being a Life-boat of the same type stationed at Weymouth, Dorset. Mr.

Ryland died in 1900, but the bulk of the money under the bequest did not come to the Institution until September, 1931.

The Inaugural Ceremony of the new boat took place on 25th June, in the presence of between 2,000 and 3,000 people.

Provost W. Sinclair presided, and the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life- boat Council and a Vice-President of the Institution, presented the Life- boat to the Branch. In doing so he expressed the gratitude of the Institu- tion to the donor and congratulated Lerwick on its generosity to the Life- boat Service.

Ex-Provost J. T. J. Sinclair accepted the Life-boat on behalf of the Branch, and said that the Shetland people were very grateful to the Institution for having established a station on their islands.

The District Inspector of Life-boats described the boat and she was dedicated by the Rev. Archibald Macintyre.

The Duchess of Montrose then named the boat Lady Jane and Martha, Ryland.

The Duchess was presented by Ex- Provost Sinclair with a silver model of a Life-boat in memory of the Ceremony, and she presented three Certificates won by pupils of Shetland schools in the Life-boat Essay Competition.

A vote of thanks to the Duke and Duchess was proposed by Mr. W. 0. M.

Cameron and a vote of thanks to the Chairman by Mr. Magnus Shearer, Convener of Zetland.

Besides taking part in this Inaugural Ceremony the Duke and Duchess of Montrose made a fortnight's tour in the Orkneys and Shetlands. At Stromness they inspected the Life-boat and lunched with the Committee. At Long- hope they inspected the Life-boat, attended a public meeting and pre- sented the awards which had been made by the Institution to the Longhope Crew for the service to the Dorbie on 9th January last.* They also visited the Life-boat Station at Thurso, Caithness-shire.

* See The Lifeboat for last June..