Two Fishing Boats
In the early morning of the 9th January part of the local fishing fleet put out to the fishing grounds, but after going a few miles five of the boats decided to return on account of the very strong S. wind and short sea. Nine others went on, but later two cut away their gear and ran for port. Conditions were very bad indeed, but they suc- ceeded in making land near Craster.
At 1.30 P.M. the Pulling and Sailing Life-boat Lizzie Porter was launched to go to the aid of the seven boats still to come. She went south and stood by six of the boats through the roughest water. The last coble would not take the risk of coming through the tide race and made jor Craster. When it was learned that this boat had reached safety, the Life-boat was signalled to return and arrived back at her Station at 3.15 P.M.—Rewards, £18 7s..