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The S.S. Travaylor

TORBAY, PLYMOUTH, AND SALCOMBE, DEVON.—The s.s. Trevaylor, of St. Ives, lost her propeller when off the Eddy- stone on 6th January, in a whole S.S.W.

gale, with a very heavy sea. She sent out an urgent call for help. It was passed by the Coastguard to the Life-boat Station, and the Motor Life-boat George Shee left Brixham at 10 P.M. to go to her help. H.M.S. Exeter and tugs from Fal- mouth also went out. Although she searched through the night, the Life- boat could not find the drifting steamer.

Then at dawn she discovered her off the Prawle and stood by until, with the arrival of the tugs, she was no longer in danger. The tugs took her in tow and brought her into Falmouth. The Life- boat made for home again at 11 A.M., reaching her moorings at 1 P.M., after being on service for fifteen hours. The Coxswain, who had hurt his thumb on service two days previously, was in charge. The Plymouth Motor Life-boat Robert and Marcella Beck was also called out, but was recalled, and the Salcombe Life-boat Station was informed.-—Re- wards : Torbay, £22 5s.; Plymouth, £4 7s. Gd..