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The S.S. Sojourner

At 8.20 A.M. on 30th January a message was received from the Coastguard Station that the East Goodwin Light Vessel had reported a steamer ashore to the N.W. of the Light Vessel. The Motor Life-boat Prudential put out and found the vessel to be the s.s. Sojoumer, of Newcastle, carrying a crew of eleven, and bound from Holland to Portsmouth with a cargo of potatoes and onions. The weather was very thick and the sea was smooth. Several boats from Deal went to the steamer, but their help was declined by the Captain, who, however, accepted the services of some of the Life-boat Crew to help in jettisoning part of the cargo. The Life-boat stood by until the steamer got off at 4 A.M. the following morning and went on her way.

After being on service for about twenty- four hours the Life-boat reached her Station again at 8 A.M.—Property Sal- vage Case..