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The S.S. Mango

SELSEY, SUSSEX, and BEAIBRIDOE, ISLE OF WIGHT.—The Selsey Motor Life-boat Canadian Pacific was launched in a S.S.W. gale with a rough sea at 3 A.M. on the 10th January in response to red flares from a position about six miles S.S.W. of Selsey Bill. It was found that the signals came from the s.s. Mango, of Newry. Her cargo of stone had shifted while she was on a voyage from Crookhaven to Ipswich, and she was on her beam ends. The crew of nine men were rescued by the Life-boat, and the Mango eventually went ashore in West Bay, Selsey. After taking the crew on board, the Life-boat made for Portsmouth, where the ship- wrecked men were landed. The Life- boat, after her Crew had breakfasted, left for her Station, and arrived at her moorings about 10.30 A.M. She waited for the weather to abate. This did not happen, and as she could not be got up the Slipway, the Coxswain, about 4 P.M., decided to return to Portsmouth.

There she was berthed in the Dockyard, and the Crew, after a meal, were taken home in motor cars, two of which were kindly lent. On the following day the Life-boat was brought back to her Station. When the Life-boat reached Portsmouth the second time, her Crew bad been out in her for fifteen hours in bad weather. One of the Crew had received slight injuries, and the Life- boat had been slightly damaged. A Letter of Appreciation was sent by the Institution to the Branch, and additional monetary rewards were made to the Coxswain and Crew.

After the Selsey Motor Life-boat had been launched, information of a vessel in distress reached Bembridge, and the Motor Life-boat Langham was launched. She found that the vessel was the Mango, and that the Selsey Life-boat had already taken off the crew.—Rewards : Selsey, £44 2s. 9d. ; Bembridge, £23 10s..