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The S.S. E. Rose

At daybreak on 10th February the s.s. E. Rose, of Great Yarmouth, bound, in ballast, from Ply- mouth to Boston, Lines., with a crew of six on board, was seen by the Coxswain to be in difficulties dangerously near a lee shore between Goodrington and Broadsands. A strong E.N.E. gale was blowing with a heavy sea, and the weather was very cold, with snow showers. By 8 A.M. the vessel's posi- tion was so perilous that the Motor Life-boat George Shee was launched.

She went to Goodrington, where the steamer had, by this time, been skilfully beached in order to avoid being driven on the rocks. After standing by for nearly two hours the Life-boat returned to her Station as the crew did not wish to leave the steamer and the Life-saving Apparatus Company had fired a line over her from the shore.—Rewards, £7 6s. 6d..