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The S.S. Castle Galleon

The Motor Life-boat John and Mary Meiklam of Gladswood was launched at 4.40 A.M. on 28th February, in a fresh easterly gale with a very heavy sea, on receipt of information from the Coastguard that the St.

Nicholas Lightvessel was firing signal rockets. The Life-saving Apparatus was also called out. The Life-boat went to the St. Nicholas Lightvessel, and then to the Cockle Lightvessel. There the Coxswain learned that a steamer was burning flares somewhere S.W. of the Cockle. Eventually the Life-boat found the vessel aground on the outer bank at Hemsby. She was the s.s. Castle Galleon, of Newcastle, bound, light, from Ipswich to Blyth. The Life-boat let go her anchor and veered down to the steamer, but while she was doing this a heavy sea lifted the steamer over the outer bank, and she went ashore on the main. The Life-Saving Apparatus then fired a line over her from the shore and the Life-boat stood by while the crew of thirteen were taken ashore.—Rewards, £35 7s. 6<2..