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Remembrance and Fortunas

At about 1.10 P.M. on the 8th January the Coxswain was informed by a fisherman that a fishing boat had broken down and was blowing towards the shore south oi Whitby. The Coastguard confirmed this and added that another fishing boat was going towards her. A strong N.N.W. breeze was blowing, and there was a strong sea breaking along the coast as well as a very strong tide and sea across the harbour entrance. The Motor Life-boat Margaret Harker-Smith was launched at 1.45 P.M. and found the Whitby fishing boat Remembrance about a mile to the southward in tow of the fishing boat Fortunas, which had with difficulty got a second tow rope aboard after the first had parted. Escorted by the Life-boat the Remembrance was safely towed into harbour by the Fortunas.-—Rewards, £8 5*. Qd..