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News from the Branches. 1st January to 31st March

Greater London District.

ACTON.—Address to Chiswick Brotherhood and Sisterhood by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management.

CARSHALTON.—Drawing-room Meeting at Wallington, given by Miss Roberts.

CHELSEA.—Address to East Molesey Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

CHINGFORD.—Bridge Drive.

CITY.—Address to British Sea Anglers by the District Organizing Secretary.

CLAPHAM.—Bring and Buy Sale.

DENMARK HILL.—Address to Toe H by Captain Basil Hall, R.N.

DEPTFORD.—Address to Golden Ray Women's Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

EAST MOLESEY.—Address to Toe H fcy the District Organizing Secretary.

HAYES.—Poultry Whist Drive.

HORNSEY.—Annual Meeting on 18th January. Speaker: Sir John Collie, C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management.

Amount raised last year, £222.

Lantern Lecture to Tollington School by the District Organizing Secretary. Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary to the Y.M.C.A. Children's Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary, the Mayoress in the Chair. Rotary Club Concert.

Whist Drive.

ISLINGTON.—Special Meeting arranged by the Mayor to organize Branch. Speaker : Colonel the Master of Sempill, a member of the Committee of Management.

Lantern Lecture to the Presbyterian Church by the Rev. A. M. Peckham, Chairman of the Harrow Branch.

Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary to Girls' Guild.

KENSINGTON.—Dance. Address to South Kensington Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

MILL HILL.—Address to Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

MITCHAM.—Whist Drive. Dramatic Entertainment.

NEW BARNET.—Address to Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

PADDINGTON.—Address to the Chichester Road Women's Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

TOOTING.—Dramatic Entertainment.

TOTTENHAM.—Address to the Rotary Club luncheon by Mr. Walter Riggs, Honorary Secretary of the Aldeburgh Station. Address to the Primitive Methodist Church Young People's Guild by the District Organizing Secretary.

WALTHAMSTOW.—St. Mary's Concert.

Talk by the District Organizing Secretary.

St. Andrew's Concert. Talk by the District Organizing Secertary.

WANDSWORTH. — Special Meeting arranged by the Mayor. Speaker : Mr. H. A.

Baker, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment of the Institution. Central Wandsworth Branch formed.

North-West of England.

ACCRINGTON.—Special Meeting of the Ladies Life-boat Guild convened by the Mayoress, the Mayor presiding. Miss F. M.

Greenwood and Miss Z. D. M. Beaton elected Joint Hon. Secretaries in the place of Mrs. G.

D. Morrison Beaton.


BLACKPOOL.—Annual Meeting on 23rd February, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the Chair. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Presentation by Sir Godfrey Baring of the Life-boat Pictures awarded by the Institution to Mrs. H. A. Deakin and Mr. L. H.

Franceys, the Honorary Treasurer, and of a Brass Plate to the Mayor to be placed on the old Blackpool Life-boat. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day; Whist Drive. Amount col- lected last year £446, as compared with £530 in the previous year.

BOLTON— Annual Meeting on 25th Febru- ary, the Mayor of Bolton, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker: Brigadier- General W. S. Swabey, C.B., District Organizing Secretary in the unavoidable absence of Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Dance, and two Whist Drives. Amount collected last year £311, as compared with £308 in the previous year.

Annual Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

BURY.—Annual Meeting on 7th March, the Rev. H. L. Hornby presiding, in the unavoid- able absence of the Mayor. Amount collected last year £123, as compared with £178 in the previous year.

CARLISLE.—Annual Meeting on 24th February, the Mayor of Carlisle, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management. Sir Godfrey Baring presented to Mrs. Talbot Caddow the Gold Brooch awarded to her by the Institution.

Amount collected last year, £235, as compared with £327 in the previous year.

Whist Drive and Dance arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Dance arranged by the Misses Tassell at the Plaza, kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs. Stockdale.

A legacy of £300 for the Branch from the executors of the late Mrs. Telford has been received by Mrs. Talbot Caddow, the President.

CARNFORTH.—Annual Meeting on 16th February. Amount collected last year, £78, as compared with £101 in the previous year.

DALTON-IN-FURNESS.—Annual Meeting on 14th January. Amount collected last year, £35, as compared with £31 in the previous year.

DUKINFIELD.—Annual Whist Drive and Dance.

HEYWOOD.—Annual Whist Drive.

HINDLEY.—Annual Meeting on 3rd February. Amount collected last year, £62, as compared with £73 in the previous year.

Whist Drive.


—Whist Drive and Dance.

HORWICH.—House-to-House Collection.

INCE-IN-MAKERFIELD—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

IRLAM AND CADISHEAD.— Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

KENDAL—Whist and Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

LANCASTER.—Annual Meeting on 24th February, the Mayor of Lancaster in the chair.

Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. Amount collected last year, £165, as compared with £167 in the previous year.

Bridge and Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Guild.

Collections in the local Cinemas and on the Football Ground.

LEIGH.—Bridge and "Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

LIVERPOOL.—Annual Meeting on 22nd February. The Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management. Amount collected last year £2,616, as compared with £3,472 in the pre- vious year.

NEW BRIGHTON.— Life-boatmen's supper.

LYTHAM-ST. ANNES.—Annnal Meeting on 4th February. Sir Thomas Smetmirst, K.B.E., Chairman of the Branch, presiding.

Amount collected last year, £284, as compared with £190 in the previous year.

MANCHESTER, SALFORD AND DIS- TRICT.—Annual Meeting on 19th January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : The Mayor of Salford, Mr.

W.H.Flanagan,M.P.,Chairman of the Branch; the Very Rev1. Archdeacon Aspinall; Mr. P.M.

Oliver, Honorary Secretary of the Branch; 506 THE LIFEBOAT.

[JUNE, 1932.

and Captain C. E. Froggatt, O.B.E., R.D., R.N.R. Presentation by the Lord Mayor of the Gold Brooch awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Henry Bronnert, President of the Dids- bury District, the Life-boat Picture to Mrs. C.

Harper, of the Salford Ladies' Life-boat Guild, and the Life-boat Picture to Mr. Alfred Weiser of the Fallowfield District.

Amount collected last year, £3,108, as com- pared with £3,739 in the previous year.

Cinema collections.

CHORLTON-CUM-HARDY.— Concert, arranged by Miss F. Anstee, a member of the District Ladies' Guild Committee.

GORTON.—Dance arranged by the Dis- trict Committee. Among those present were Mr. W. H. Flanagan, M.P., Chairman of the Branch, Mr. Shackleton-Bailey, M.P., and a number of actors and actresses appearing in Manchester. Miss Mona Vivian presented the prizes.

Dance and Cabaret, arranged by the District Committee. Several members of the theatrical profession attended.

HULME.—Address by the Branch Secretary to a meeting of the Mulberry Street Mothers' Union.

LOWER CRUMPSALL.—Annual Meeting on 8th March, Mr. P. M. Oliver, C.B.E., in the chair.

MOSS SIDE.—Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs. Pritchard.

MOSTON.—Smoking Concert arranged by the District Ladies' Life-boat Guild Com- mittee. Dance organised by the District Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

NEW MOSTON.—Whist Drive, organized by the District Ladies' Life-boat Guild Committee.

OLD TRAFFORD.—Annual Dance arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

SALE.—Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

STRETFORD.—Life-boat Sunday Ser- vice on 20th March in the Town Hall. The Chairman of the Urban District Council, Councillor J. Child, J.P., presided, and the service was conducted by the Rector of Stretford, the Rev. E. W. Horrocks, M.A.

The lesson was read by the Rev. H. W.

Weeks, B.A., B.D., and the prayers by the Rev. H. W. Baumann, M.A., and the Rev.

W. Dockeray. The singing was led by the Blackpool Life-boat Prize Silver Band, con- ducted by Mr. J. Briar. A Resolution of Thanks was proposed by Sir Thomas Robinson, O.B.E., J.P., and seconded by Mr. A. Llewellyn Jones.

Dance, arranged by the District Com- mittee.

MARYPORT.—Social Evening and Supper given by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild to the Life-boat Crew, their wives and families.

MIDDLETON.—Annual Meeting on 3rd March. Amount collected last "year £45, as compared with £49 in the previous year.

NORTHWICH.—Annual Meeting on 15th February, Mr. J. Moore, Chairman of the Branch, presiding. Amount collected last year, £80, as compared with £105 in the previous year.

OLDHAM.—Annual Whist Drive and Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PADIHAM.—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PIEL (BARROW).—Entertainment to the members of the Life-boat Crew by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PORT ERIN.—Concert, at which Mr.

Samuel Gorry, the late Honorary Secretary, was presented with the Gold Badge, awarded to him,by the Institution. The presentation was made by Colonel H. W. Madoc, C.B.E., M.V.O. (Honorary Secretary of the Douglas Branch), in the absence of the Lieut.-Governor, Sir Claude Hill.

PRESTON.—Annual Meeting on 23rd February, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Sir Godfrey Baring presented to Miss I. E. Cross, the Honorary Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, the Gold Brooch awarded to her by the Institution. Amount collected last year £338, as compared with £315 in the previous year.

RAMSEY.—The members of the Life-boat Crew, workers and helpers, were entertained to supper by Mrs. A. E. Groves, President of the Ladies' Committee.

RAMSBOTTOM.—Bridge Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

RISHTON.—Annual Ball.

ROCHDALE.—Annual Meeting on 27th January, the Mayor presiding. Amount collected last year £161, as compared with £226 in the previous year.

SOUTHPORT.—Annual Meeting on 22nd February, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment. Amount collected last year £331, as compared with £384 in the previous year.

STANDISH.—Annual Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

TOTTINGTON.—Bridge and Whist Drive.

Annual Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

TYLDESLEY.—American Tea and Cotton Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, at which the Lancashire Cotton Queen (Miss Lois Heath) and Lady Holden were present.

WARRINGTON.—Two performances of " Ambrose Applejohn's Adventure " by the Crosfield's Operatic and Dramatic Society on behalf of the Branch. House-to-House Collec- tion, arranged by Miss Broadbent.

WIGAN.—Bridge Tea.

WORKINGTON.—Annual Adult Ball and Children's Ball.

North-East of England.

BEDLINGTON.—Annual Whist Drive.

BERWICK.—Whist Drive and Dance- Leap Year Dance at Norham-on-Tweed.

BEVERLEY.—Whist Drive.

BRADFORD.—Annual Meeting on 21st January. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day, Matinee. Amount collected last year £1,678, as compared with £1,760 in the previous year.

BRIDLINGTON.—Memorial Service for the six Life-boatmen who lost their lives in the great gales of February, 1871. Concert.

CAWTHORNE.—Lantern Lecture.

DARLINGTON.—Whist Drive. Bridge and Whist Drive.

DONCASTER.—Annual Meeting on 21st March, the Mayor presiding. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £88, as compared with £83 in the previous year.

GATESHEAD.—Bridge Drive.

GOLCAR.—Annual Meeting. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £33, as compared with £26 in the previous year.

HECKMONDWIKE.—Bridge and Whist Drive.

HOLMFERTH.—Whist Drive.

HORBURY.—Lantern Lecture.

LEEDS.—Annual Meeting on 8th February, Alderman P. Leigh presiding. Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Matinee, and Bridge and Whist Drives. Amount collected last year £1,068, as compared with £1,130 in the previous year.

Whist Drive and Dance. Whist Drive at Headingley.

MELTHAM.—Jumble Sale.

MEXBOROUGH.—Whist Drive.

MIRFIELD.—Bridge and Whist Drive.

NEWCASTLE.—Concert by Jesmond Jesters.

NORMANTON.—Sunday Evening Concert.

PATRINGTON.—Annual Meeting. Efforts of the past year : Life-boat Day and Lantern Lecture. Amount collected last year £8, as compared with £11 in the previous year.

Lantern Lecture.

REDCAR.—Ladies' Life-boat Guild Annual Meeting. Efforts of the past year: Talent Fund, Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £209.

ROTHBURY.—Lantern Lecture.




Annual Dance.

SEDBERGH.—Lantern Lecture.



STAINLAND.—Dance. Bridge and Whist Drive.

TYNEMOUTH.—Annual Supper given to the Crew by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Whist Drive.

WAKEFIELD.—Military Whist Drive.

Sunday Evening Concert.

WEST HARTLEPOOL.—Bridge and Whist Drive.

WITHERNSEA.—American Tea.


ASHBOURNE.—Life-boat Day. " Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

BIRMINGHAM.—Annual Meeting on 25th January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Com- mittee of Management. Amount collected last year £2,377, as compared with £2,503 in the previous year.

Easter Bazaar in Queen's College, opened by Miss Dorothy Boyd, the film star. Sunday Cinema performance in the Scala Theatre.

Lantern Lecture in the Schools, Marsh Hill, by the District Organizing Secretary. Life- boat Story broadcast by the District Organiz- ing Secretary from Midland Regional.

A week's Life-boat Collections at the Theatre Royal. Annual Life-boat Ball. Lantern Lec- ture by the District Organizing Secretary at Baptist Church Room, Bearwood. Whist Drive, organized by Miss Smith. Special collec- tion, organized at British Industries Fair, Castle Bromwich. Ball and Cabaret, arranged by British International Pictures in part aid of the Branch. House-to-House Collection in Saltley District.

BLACKHEATH.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

BRISTOL.—Annual Meeting on 17th March, Mr. F. O. Wills, J.P., in the chair. Speaker : Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secre- tary of the Institution. Amount collected last year £1,137, as compared with £1,063 in the previous year.

Dramatic Entertainment.

BROWNHILLS.—Whist Drive. Life-boat Dance.

CHELTENHAM.—Whist Drive and Dance organized by the staff of Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society.

CHIPPING CAMPDEN.—Lantern Lecture to the Women's Institute by the District Organizing Secretary.

CLEETHORPES.—Annual Concert. Whist Drive and Supper Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

CLENT.—Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary.

COVENTRY.—Bridge Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

DERBY.—" Heroes of the Sea" film shown, and collection.

HOLBEACH.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

HORNCASTLE.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

LEAMINGTON.—Life-boat Week. House- to-House Collections. Collections in Regal and Bath Cinemas and the Theatre Royal.

LICHFIELD—Whist Drive. Dance.

LONG EATON.—Annual Meeting, Coun- cillor Martin, Chairman of the Council, presiding. Speaker : The District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £58, as compared with £45 in the previous year.

MARKET HARBOROUGH.—Address by the District Organizing Secretary.

NEWARK.—" Heroes of the Sea" film shown, and collection.

NOTTINGHAM.—Annual Meeting on 20th January, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £810, as compared with £850 in the previous year.

Dance, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Cinema Collection.

NUNEATON.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

OLDBURY AND LANGLEY.—Annual Life-boat Dance.

PETERBOROUGH.—Annual Meeting on 3rd March, Lady Winfrey in the chair.

Speakers: Canon Tait and the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £164, as compared with £191 in the previous year.

REDDITCH.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collections.

RUGELEY.—Annual Meeting, Mr. H. W.

Bush, J.P., in the chair. Amount collected last year £81, as compared with £77 in the previous year. Annual Life-boat Dance.

SHIPSTON-ON-STOUR.—House-to-House Collection.

SHIREBROOK, Mansfield.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

STOURBRIDGE.—Lantern Lecture by the District Organizing Secretary at West Hagley.


TOWCESTER.—" Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

WARWICK.—Life-boat Day. " Heroes of the Sea " film shown, and collection.

WEDNESFIELD—Life-boat Day. Dance.

Whist Drive and Dance.

WOLVERHAMPTON.—Annual Life-boat Ball, organized by Mrs. Spencer. Whist Drive.

WORCESTER.—Miss Joyce Allen appointed Honorary Secretary. Lantern Lecture to Toe H by the District Organizing Secretary.

South-East of England.

ALDEBURGH.—Church Collection at Fishermen's Thanksgiving Service.

AMPTHILL.—Life-boat Day.

ASHFORD.—Address to the Brotherhood by Miss Ethel Hopkins, B.A., Honorary Secre- tary of the Folkestone Women's Auxiliary.

BEACONSFIELD.—Lantern Lecture to Oakdene School by Major A. D. Burnett Brown, M.C., Deputy Secretary of the In- stitution.

BRIGHTON.—Dance and Cabaret at the Regent Dance Hall, with address by Lieut.-Col.

C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution. " Heroes of the Sea " film, and collection, at the Savoy Cinema.

BROADSTAIRS.—Lantern Lecture at Abbotsford School by Mr. C. J. Greene, Honorary Secretary of the Herne Bay Branch.

BURY ST. EDMUNDS.—" Heroes of the Sea " film, and collection, at Central Cinema.

CAMBERLEY.—Bridge Drive.

CANTERBURY.—Annual Meeting on 25th February, Sir Reginald Tower presiding.

Amount collected last year £80, as compared with £178 in the previous year. Collection at Football Ground.

CHATTERIS.—" Heroes of the Sea " film, and collection.

CHESHAM AND AMERSHAM.—Lecture at Hythe Heath Women's Institute by Captain Basil Hall, R.N.

CHORLEY WOOD.—Concert, with address by Major A. D. Burnett Brown, M.C., Deputy Secretary of the Institution.

CLACTON-ON-SEA.—Annual Meeting on 15th March, Mr. H. J. Grant, President of the Branch, in the chair. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Life-boat Sunday, Collection at Cinema. Amount collected last year £512, as compared with £814 in the previous year. Address to the Rotary Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

COBHAM.—Lantern Lecture by the Dis- trict Organizing Secretary.

CRANBROOK AND HAWKHURST.— Theatrical Entertainment at Hawkhurst, in- cluding the Life-boat Play, " Their Business in Great Waters," arranged by Mr. Lindley, Hon.

Secretary for Cranbrook.

DARTFORD—Whist Drive.

DISS.—Lantern Lecture at Roydon Women's Institute by Mr. Walter Riggs, Hon.

Secretary of the Aldeburgh Branch.

DOVER.—Annual Meeting on 22nd Janu- ary, Dr. Richardson, the Hon. Secretary, pre- siding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day, Appeal by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

Amount collected last year £181, as compared with £82 in the previous year.


EASTBOURNE.—Lantern Lecture by Mrs.

Astley Roberts, President of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild. Concert and Lantern Lecture at Heathfield. Tea-party given by the Local Committee to the Life-boat Crew, their wives and children.

FAKENHAM.—Branch formed, Mr. W. A.

Newman, Hon. Secretary.

FARNHAM.—Bridge Tournament.

FOLKESTONE. —Address to Young People's League by Miss Ethel Hopkins, B.A., Hon. Secretary of the Women's Auxiliary.

FOREST ROW.—Lantern Lecture at Ash- down House School.


GRAYS.—Address by the District Assistant Secretary to " Inner Wheel " Club.

HEMEL HEMPSTEAD.—Lantern Lecture by Captain H. E. Holme, the Hon. Secretary to the Wesley Guild.

HUNSTANTON.—Presentation of Certifi- cates of Service awarded to the Crew on the closing of the Station by Captain C. le Strange, President of the Branch, at a farewell supper attended by members of the Committee and of the Crew.

HYTHE.—Concert Party, "Rags," orga- nized by Mr. Clayton Rickard, in joint aid of the Life-boat Service and Toe H. Collection at launch of the Life-boat.


MARGATE.—Lantern Lecture at Church School by Mr. T. W. Gomm, the Hon. Secre- tary.

MISTLEY, MANNINGTREE AND DIS- TRICT.—Branch formed, Mrs. E. Montague Jackson, Hon. Secretary.


NEWMARKET.—Bridge Drive.

NEWPORT PAGNELL.—House-to-House Collection. Life-boat Films shown.

NUTFIELD.—Whist Drive.

RICKMANSWORTH.—Branch formed, Miss Kingsley, Hon. Secretary. Dance.

ST. IVES (HUNTS.).—Special Matinee of Life-boat Films at the Broadway Cinema.

SHOREHAM HARBOUR.—Annual Meet- ing on 9th February, Mr. Harold Brown pre- siding. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Days and Dances at Shoreham and Southwick.

Amount collected last year £180, as compared with £192 in the previous year.

Dance at Southwick.

SOUTHEND-ON-SEA.—Annual Meeting on 6th February, Mr. F. Britain presiding.

Effort of the past year: Life-boat Day.

Amount collected last year £408, as compared with £479 in the previous year.

STEVENAGE.—Collection at Entertain- ment.

STOWMARKET.—Branch formed, Miss Hildesley, Hon. Secretary.

TONBRIDGE.—Address by the District Organizing Secretary to Toe H.

UPMINSTER.—Branch formed, Miss E. M. Eve, Hon. Secretary. Progressive Bridge Drive.

WALTON AND FRINTON.—Annual Meet- ing on llth January. In the unavoidable absence of the President, Sir Charles Batho, Mr. J. W. Eagle, the Chairman, presided.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day and Gymkhana, Life-boat Sunday, and Collections at Cinemas. Amount collected last year £223, as compared with £258 in the previous year.

Mr. F. W. Calvert appointed Financial Hon.

Secretary of the Branch.

Annual Dinner to the Life-boat Crew.


—Life-boat Day.

WELWYN.—House-to-House Collection.


WEYBRIDGE.—Life-boat Day.

WORTHING.—Annual Meeting on 22nd March. Alderman C. B. Cook presiding.

Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day.

Amount collected last year £441, as compared with £528 in the previous year.

Address to the Women's Luncheon Club by the District Organizing Secretary.

South-West of England.

ALDERSHOT.—The Branch has suffered a serious loss by the death of Mr. J. B. Constant, in January. First as Assistant Hon. Secretary for a year, then as Hon. Secretary, he helped the Branch from 1926 to 1931, and at the time of his death he was Vice-Chairman.

BATH.—Annual Meeting, General Moles- worth, Chairman, presiding, supported by the Mayor and Mayoress. Speaker : the District Organizing Secretary. Efforts of the past year: Life-boat Day. Amount collected last year £278, as compared with £414 in the previous year.

BASINGSTOKE.—Annual Meeting, Mrs.

Stratford, Chairman,presiding. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary. Amount col- lected last year £62, as compared with £79 in the previous year.

BRIDPORT.—Annual Meeting, the Mayor, Chairman of the Branch, presiding, supported by Rear-Admiral C. H. Fox, C.B., President.

Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary.

Miss Wadham elected Hon. Secretary in place of Miss Sadleir. Amount collected last year £60, as compared with £59 in the previous year.

COWES.—Annual Ball and Children's Party, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

DORCHESTEE (Dorset).—Life-boat Day.

DORCHESTER (Oxon.).—Presentation of the Record of Thanks awarded by the Institu- tion to Mr. G. Kennett-Barrington, the Hon.


FOWEY.—Annual Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

FROME.—Address by the District Organiz- ing Secretary to Mells Women's Institute.

HENLEY-ON-THAMES.—Presentation of the Life-boat Picture awarded by the Institu- tion to Miss St. John Scott, the Hon. Secretary.

THE LIZARD.—Presentation of the In- scribed Barometer awarded by the Institution to Mr. J. J. Emmott.

OXFORD.—Annual Meeting on 3rd Febru- ary, the Provost of Worcester presiding, supported by the Mayor and Mayoress of Oxford, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., the Chairman of the Committee of Management, Mr. H. A.

Baker, a member of the Committee of Manage- ment, the Rev. W. Mansell Merry (City Rector) and Sir Richard Burn, Honorary Secretary. Speakers : Mr. H. A. Baker and the Mayor of Oxford. Amount collected last year £673, as compared with £786 in the previous year.

PAIGNTON.—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PLYMOUTH.—Jumble Sale and Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

PORTSMOUTH AND SOUTHSEA.— Annual Meeting of the Branch and Guild. The Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the Chair. Speaker : Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management. Efforts of the past year : Life- boat Day, Concert, Whist Drive and Tennis Tournament. Amount collected last year £430, as compared with £392 in the previous year. Lieut. Berry, R.N., elected Hon.

Secretary of the Branch. Presentation by Lady Pink of eleven certificates won by Portsmouth and Southsea Schools in the Life- boat Essay Competition in 1931.

Address to Union of Sailors' Wives by the District Organizing Secretary. Purbrook Bridge Tea arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

SALISBURY.—Special Meeting, with films, at Tisbury. Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution. Presentation of the Record of Thanks awarded by the Institution to Miss Giles, the late Honorary Secretary. Miss Rogers appointed Honorary Secretary.

SHERBORNE.—Variety Entertainment.

Appeal by Vice-Admiral Norris, C.M.G.

SOUTHAMPTON.—Annual Meeting, the Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair.

Speaker: Major Sir Maurice Cameron, K.C.M.G., a member of the Committee of Management. Amount collected last year £686, as compared with £1,014 in the previous year. Mr. Cyril C. Sharp elected Hon.

Secretary of the Branch, and Mrs. Smith Hon.

Secretary of the Guild.

SWANAGE.—Life-boat Crew entertained by Major E. J. Burt, T.D., President of the Branch.

TORQUAY.—Whist Drive and Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WANTAGE.—Special meeting, arranged by Miss Douglas to form a Branch. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary.

WAREHAM.—Presentation of the Record of Thanks awarded by the Institution to Mrs.

Bradley, the Honorary Secretary.

WELLS.—Presentation of the Record of Thanks, awarded by the Institution to Mrs.

Alcock, the Hon. Secretary of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WESTON-SUPER-MARE.—Whist Drive, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

WINCHESTER. — Life-boat Conference.

(See special report on p. 504.) WITNEY.—Whist Drive, arranged by Mrs.

Harry Marriott.

YEOVIL.—Life-boat Day. Presentation at the Institution by Lieut.-Col. C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary, of the Record of Thanks awarded by the Institution to Mrs. Hebditch, for her work in raising funds in the Martock district.


ABERDEEN.—Annual Meeting on 22nd January, Lord Provost Rust, President of the Branch, in the chair. Speakers : The Earl of Caithness and Capt. A. L. Fletcher, com- manding the Coastguard Service in the North- East District. Efforts of the past year: Grand Ball, Life-boat Day, and Ladies' Life- boat Guild Collections. Amount collected last year £987, as compared with £1,015 in the previous year.

Annual Ball under the patronage of the Marquis and Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair, and many other notable people.

ARBROATH.—Address to the Rotary Club by the Northern District Inspector of Life- boats.

BANFF.—Performances of " lolanthe " by the Banff Operatic Society, on the first night of which the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., Chairman of the Scottish Council, presided.

BATHGATE.—Life-boat Day.


CARRONBRIDGE.—Lantern Lecture to the Carronbridge Women's Rural Institute by the District Assistant Secretary.

DUNDEE.—Performances of " A Hundred Years Old " and " Fair and Warmer," for a week, by the Dundee Dramatic Society.

DUNFERMLINE. — Whist Drive and Dance.

EDINBURGH. — Orchestral Concert, organized by Mrs. Alexander Maitland and Professor D. F. Tovey. Bridge and Whist Drive organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild. Bonnyrigg Cinema Exhibition, arranged by Mrs. Core-Greenshields, a Vice- President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild Lantern Lecture by the District Assistant Secretary.

FALKIRK.—Annual Meeting on 5th Feb- ruary, Mrs. Nimmo, President of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, in the chair. Efforts of the past year : Appeal by the Committee, Life- boat Day and Concert. Amount collected last year £113, as compared with £125 in the pre- vious year.

Life-boat Day.

GRANGEMOUTH.—Life-boat Service in the Parish Church, with an address by the Rev. Dr. Alexander McPherson.

GREENOCK.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild on 30th March, Mrs.

J. A. Morrison, President, presiding. Address by the District Assistant Secretary.

INVERNESS.—Concert, Provost D. Mac- donald presiding, with an address by the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council, and a Lantern Lecture by the Scottish Orga- nizing Secretary. Bridge and Whist Drive, organized by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

KIRKCUDBRIGHT—Annual Meeting of the Stewartry Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs.

Walter Biggar presiding. Speaker : Mr.

Alexander Allan, Hon. Secretary of the Branch. The Countess of Galloway was elected President in the place of Lady Hope- Duhbar.

NAIRN.—Performances of "The Ghost Train " in aid of the Branch and the Nairn Hospital Maternity Ward, arranged by Mrs.

Fleming. Concert, Admiral Sir Heathcote Grant, K.C.M.G., C.B., presiding. Address by the Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., LL.D., Chairman of the Scottish Life-boat Council.

NEWBRIDGE.—Lantern Lecture to the Women's Rural Institute by the District Assistant Secretary.

NEWBURGH—Leap Year Fancy Dress Dance, arranged by the Ladies' Life-boat Guild.

NEW TROWS—Lantern Lecture to the New Trows Women's Rural Institute, by the District Assistant Secretary.

PETERHEAD.—Annual Concert, Provost Dickie presiding.

STONEHAVEN.—Lantern Lecture to the Dunnottar Young Men's Guild, by the Scottish Organizing Secretary.

TR'PON.—Whist Drive, at which Councillor John Henderson, the late Hon. Secretary and Treasurer of the Branch, was presented with the Vellum of Thanks awarded to him by the Institution.


BELFAST.—Annual Meeting, the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch, in the chair, supported by the Bishop of Down and Connor, Viscount and Viscountess Bangor, the Right Hon. H. M. Pollock, M.P., Minister of Finance, Lord Dunleath, the High Sheriff, Sir Robert and the Hon. Lady Kennedy, the Chairman of the Harbour Board, and Lieut.-Colonel C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Insti- tution. Amount collected last year £790, as compared with £1,210 in the previous year.

CAHIR.—Life-boat Day.

CORK.—Annual Ball.

COLERAINE.—Annual Meeting. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year £73, as compared with £62 in the previous year.

Cinema Matinee. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary.


DROGHEDA.—Special Meeting, the Mayor presiding. Speaker: Lieut.-Colonel C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution, who presented the Thanks of the Institution on Vellum awarded to Mr. R. 0.

Hill, the Hon. Secretary, on his retirement.

DUBLIN.—Annual Meeting of the Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Mrs. James McNeill, President in the chair, supported by the Countess van Cutsem, Senator Andrew Jameson, D.L., Chairman of the Branch, and Major Arthur Whewell, Chairman of the Special Effort Com- mittee. Speaker: Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- thwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution.

PORTRUSH.—Cinema Evening Entertain- ment. Speaker: The District Organizing Secretary.


TRALEE.—Life-boat Day.

TUAM.—Life-boat Day. Dance.

WATERFORD.—Life-boat Day.

YOUGHAL.—Whist Drive.


(Including Herefordshire, Monmouthshire and Shropshire.) CARDIFF AND PENARTH.—Annual Meeting, the Lady Mayoress presiding, in the absence of the Lord Mayor, President of the Branch. Speakers : Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution. Amount collected last year, £262, as compared with £284 in the previous year.

CONWAY.—Whist Drive and Dance.

MILFORD HAVEN.—Life-boat Day.

NEWPORT (Mon.).—Annual Meeting, the Vlayor presiding. Speaker : Lieut.-Col. C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institu- rion. Amount collected last year, £144, as compared with £165 in the previous year.

(Continuedjm page 516).PONTYPOOL.—Life-boat Day.

PONTYPRIDD.—Annual Meeting, Mrs.

Edgar Jenkins, Chairman, presiding. Speaker: the District Organizing Secretary. Amount collected last year, £82, as compared with £61 in the previous year.

RHAYADEB.—Life-boat Day.

SWANSEA.—Annual Meeting, the Deputy Mayor presiding. Speakers: Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, and Lieut.-Col. C. R. Satter- thwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution.

Amount collected last year, £273, as compared with £283 in the previous year. Concert.

WREXHAM.—Life-boat Day..