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Life-Boat Conference

South-western District.

A CONFERENCE of Honorary Workers in Hampshire, Berkshire, East Dorset and Wiltshire was held at Winchester on the 15th March. Representatives from nineteen Branches and Guilds were present, and Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, presided, supported by Lieut.-Colonel C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Secretary of the Institution, and the District Organizing Secretary.

The Mayor of Winchester welcomed the delegates, and the Chairman, after thanking him, expressed the Com- mittee's great appreciation of the help which Honorary Secretaries and workers had again given so readily during the past year.

Lieut.-Colonel Satterthwaite ex- plained the objects of the Conference, and gave a survey of the work of the Institution. A general discussion fol- lowed on the various items of the Agenda, which covered the organiza- tion of a Branch and the methods by which a successful collection can not only be started, but also maintained.

During the proceedings the Chairman presented a Record of Thanks to Mrs.

Bradley of Wareham in recognition of her active and valuable work for nineteen years in raising funds..