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Ethel Edith

During a fresh S. gale on 13th January, with a very rough sea, the Coastguard reported, at 7.49 A.M., that a ketch, which was found to be the Ethel Edith, of Faversham, carrying a crew of four and bound with maize from London to Great Yarmouth, was in distress about three miles to the southward. The Motor Life-boat John and Mary MeiJdam of Gladswood was launched. She went alongside the vessel at 8.30 A.M., and put five men on board to help in getting up anchor and in making fast to a tug, the George Jewson, which, by this time had also arrived. The Life-boat stood by the ketch while the crew hove up the anchor, which took about an hour, and then accompanied the ketch and tug to harbour, which was reached shortly before 11 A.M. While engaged on this service the Life-boat was signalled by the steamer Grace, of London, which was sheltering in the roadstead, and, on going alongside was asked to land a man. With some difficulty he was taken into the Life-boat. The steamer was bound for Blyth from Ostend, and just before leaving Ostend the man had learnt that his wife had died. He was very grateful for the help given which nabled him to reach home much sooner than he would otherwise have done.— Property Salvage Case..