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Awards to Honorary Workers

Mr. J. J. LINES has been appointed an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution in recog- nition of the distinguished services he has rendered as Honorary Secretary of the New- haven Station Branch for upwards of 30 years, and has been presented with a copy of the Vote, inscribed on Vellum, and signed by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., President of the Institution.

Mr. H. KINO has been appointed an Honorary Life-Governor of the Institution in recog- nition of the distinguished services he has rendered as Honorary Secretary of the Brighton Station Branch for upwards of 26 years, and has bsen presented with a copy of the Vote, inscribed on Vellum, and signed by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., President of the Institution.

In recognition of very valuable co-operation, the following awards have been made to Honorary Officials of Branches and other Honorary workers:— THE GOLD BROOCH OR PENDANT, with the Record of Thanks, to the following :— Mrs. BRIOOS, Vice-President, Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Eastbourne Branch.

Mrs. HENRY BRONNERT, President, Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Didsbury District of the Manchester Branch.

Miss CORHIN, Honorary Secretary, Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Castletown.

Mr. T. W. GOMM, Honorary Secretary, Margate.

Mr. SAMUEL GOKRY, Honorary Secretary, Port Erin, on his retirement.

Miss MARY KNIGHTS, Honorary Secretary) St.

Ives, Hunts.

*Mrs. WILLIAM LONGAIR, President, Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Dundee.

Mr. F. P. MORGAN, Honorary Secretary, Scar- borough.

Mrs. E. G. PARKINSON, President, Ladies' Life- boat Guild, Wallasey District of the Liver- pool Branch.

Mr. ALBANY WARD, who, in 1923, started appeals in the cinemas controlled by Albany Ward Theatres Ltd., to raise funds to pro- vide the Boathouse for the Motor Life-boat at Weymouth, which appeals have raised to date £4,850.

Capt. J. WILLIAMS, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., Honorary Secretary, Aberdovey.

* Mrs. Longair died before receiving the Brooch, which was presented to her husband.

THE THANKS OF THE INSTITUTION, INSCRIBED ON VELLUM, to the following:—- Mr. JOHN HENDERSON, Honorary Secretary, Troon Branch, on his retirement, after 10 years' service.

Mr. R. 0. HILL, Honorary Secretary, Drogheda and Clogher Head Branch, on his retire- ment, after 14 years' Service.

Mr. C. A. MYERS, Honorary Secretary, Lytham Branch, on his retirement, after 40 years' service.

Mr. H. C. WHITEHEAD, Honorary Secretary, Appledore Branch, and an Honorary Life- Governor of the Institution, on his retire- ment, after 30 years' service.

The Rev. Father W. YOUNG, Honorary Secretary, Baltimore, on his retirement, after 12J years' service.

The widow of the late Mr. REES JONES, Honorary Secretary, Barmouth, for 13 years.

The Vellum would have been presented to her late husband on his resignation.

THE ANEROID BAROMETER, with inscription, to:— Mr. JOHN JAMES EMMOTT, Chief Signalman, Lloyd's Signal Station, The Lizard, for 47 years' co-operation.

THE FRAMED LIFE-BOAT PICTURE to the following:— Messrs. T. M. DAITERN & Co., Honorary Auditors, Coventry.

Mrs. H. A. DEAKTN, Life-boat Worker, Black- pool.

Mr. G. B. DIXON, Honorary Secretary, Walthamstow.

Mrs. GEORGE DOVE, President, Ladies' Life- boat Guild, Sunderland.

Mr. F. MILLS, Life-boat Worker, Coventry.

Mr. GEORGE MOSLEY, Life-boat Worker, Robin Hood's Bay.

Mrs. S. A. ORR, Life-boat Worker, St. Andrews.

Miss ROSSITEE, Life-boat Worker, Coventry.

Miss ST. JOHN SCOTT, Honorary Secretary, Henley and District.

The Rev. T. L. V. SIMKIN, Honorary Treasurer, Clovelly.

Miss WOOD, Collector, Handsworth, Birming- ham.

THE RECORD OF THANKS to the following:— Mr. GEORGE F. EDGELLEB, Life-boat Worker, Hartlepool.

Mr. and Mrs. F. DEVIS, for Theatre Collections, Leamington.

Messrs. J. W. HIKKS & Co., Honorary Auditors, , Birmingham.

Mrs. L. I. JESSOP, Honorary Secretary, Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Cleethorpes.

Miss N. F. SHEPHERD, the Teachers and Scholars of the British School of Commerce, Life-boat Workers, Birming- ham.

Mr. JOHN R. WILLIAMS, Honorary Treasurer, Barmouth..