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A Small Boat (1)

At 6 P.M. on the 4th January a message was received from the Postmaster of Marloes, through the Coastguard, that a small boat was drifting in St. Bride's Bay. The occupants of the boat were the owner of Skomer Island and another man, who had been to the mainland and were returning during a moderate but squally westerly breeze with a rough swell, when their engine failed.

The Motor Life-boat General Fanell was launched at 8.45 P.M. and went along the coast where the Coastguard were patrolling. Nothing was found, and the Life-boat, after crossing the bay, and still finding nothing, returned ashore at 5.50 A.M. Later it was learned that the men had reached Littlehaven safely. Mr. J. Soar, the Honorary Secretary, went out in the Life-boat.— Eewards, £19 14s..