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A New Life-Boat Book

A NEW book on the Life-boat Service is to appear in the autumn. It will be by Major-General the Right Hon. J. E.

Bernard Seely, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., a Vice-President of the Institution, and will have a foreword by H.R.H. The Prince of Wales, K.G., the President.

No man is better fitted to write such a book than General Seely. He brings to it a unique experience. He has been a member of the Committee of Manage- ment for thirty years. He has been a member of the Brooke, Isle of Wight, Life-boat Crew for nearly forty years.

This will be a book on Life-boatmen by one of themselves.

Like Lieut.-Colonel Sir William Hillary, Bt., the founder of the Institu- tion, General Seely is soldier, life- boatman and author. His book called " Adventure " was published two years ago. It was followed last yearly " Fear and be Slain." The book will be published by Messrs. Hodder and Stoughton, in two editions—one, with a paper cover, at Is., and another, with a cloth cover, at 2s. f d. Honorary Secretaries of Branches will be able to obtain copies from the Institution at the wholesale rate, for sale at Life-boat Houses and at Bazaars and other Life-boat func- tions. Further particulars of the book will be given in the September issue..