The Liverpool Ball
H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, E.G., President of the Institution, attended a Life-boat Ball which was organized by the Port of Liverpool and District Branch and held at the Adelphi Hotel on 4th November. During the day the Prince had visited the Home for Aged Mariners at Wallasey, the Lancashire Sea Training Homes, and the Training Ship Conway, and had then presided at the dinner of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners.
His Royal Highness was accompanied to the ball by The Right Hon. the Earl of Derby, E.G., P.O., G.C.B., G.C.V.O., a Vice-President of the Institution and Chairman of the Port of Liverpool and District Branch, and was received by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management of the Institution, and Mr. Charles Livingston, Deputy-Chairman of the Branch. A guard of honour was provided by the New Brighton and Hoylake Life-boat Crews, including Coxswain George Robinson, of New Brighton, a Silver Medallist of the Institution.
Among those who were present and sat at the Prince's table were the Lord Mayor of Liverpool (Mr. Edwin Thomp- son), President of the Branch, the Lady Mayoress, Patron of the Liverpool Ladies' Life-boat Guild, Lady Derby and the Lord Mayor of London.
A number of presentations were made to the Prince, including Mrs. Permewan, President of the Liverpool Ladies' Life- boat Guild, Mr. Frank Holt, F.C.A., Honorary Secretary of the Port of Liverpool Branch, Mr. F. W. Irving, A.S.A.A., the Assistant Treasurer, and Miss J. N. Dodge, B.A., the Assistant- Secretary ; Mr. Stuart Deacon, the Stipendary Magistrate, President of the New Brighton Station, Mr. S. S. Jerrett, the Chairman, and Captain B. H. Bullen, the Assistant-Secretary; and Brig.- General W. S. Swabey, C.B., C.M.G., C.B.E., District Organizing Secre- tary.
Some 850 guests were present and were received by Lady Derby, Mrs.
Permewan and Sir Godfrey Baring.
The ball has realised over £620..