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Seventy Pounds from the "Sea Microcosm."

IN The Lifeboat for June, 1929, it was announced that Dorothy Una Ratcliffe- Brotherton, F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., of Leeds, had very kindly decided to devote the gross profits of the current number of her literary and artistic magazine, The Microcosm, to the Life- boat Service. The number was called The Sea-Microcosm, and was a most attractive collection of poems, prose, plays, water-colour drawings and photo- graphs all dealing with the sea.

As a result of the sales of this maga- zine Mrs. Ratcliffe-Brotherton has sent £70 to the Leeds Branch.

Mrs. Ratcliffe-Brotherton has been editing this magazine for the past seventeen years, and has had many distinguished contributors. She devotes each number to a different charity, and since 1921 has contributed to charities some £1,500. This is the second time that she has very kindly devoted a number to the Institution..