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Royal Firth

On 20th September the Royal Firth, of Glasgow, a steamer of about 400 tons, struck the Mahon Rock near the Tuskar Lighthouse, while bound from Blyth to Eosslare laden with coals.

Shortly after 6 P.M. the vessel was seen from the Life-boat Station, and at about the same time a signal rocket was fired from the Tuskar Lighthouse.

Within a few minutes the Motor Life- boat K.E.C.F. put out, the sea being moderate, with a moderate N.E. by E.

wind blowing. The Royal Firth had been abandoned, but the crew of ten, with the captain's wife and baby, were found on the rocks by the Lighthouse. The cap- tain and several members of his crew were taken back to the vessel, and the remainder were taken on board the Life-boat, which, after standing by the steamer for a time, took off the men who had returned to her, and then landed all at Eosslare. On* the follow- ing morning, at 8.30, the Life-boat again went out and stood by while salvage operations were in progress, and remained until the Royal Firth was taken into safety at 3 P.M.—Permanent Crew. First Service, Eewards, lls. 6d.; Second Service, Property Salvage Case..