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During the afternoon of 24th October information was received from the Gunfleet Lighthouse that two men had landed there from the small fishing boat Mary, of Clacton, as the strong northerly wind and rough sea prevented them from returning to Clacton. They asked for a motor boat to be sent out, and this message was passed to Clacton, but as the boat asked for was not available, the Clacton Motor Life-boat was launched.

After she had set out another message was received at Walton, saying that the men had left the Lighthouse in their own boat, and the Walton Motor Life- boat E.M.E.D. put out at 5.30 P.M.

After a long search she found the men about four miles S. by E. of Clacton in an exhausted state, and took them and their boat to Clacton.—Rewards, £21 Is..