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Maggie Murray

At about 11.20 A.M. on the 1st January it was reported to the Honorary Secretary that a small ketch was at anchor close to Allonby Bay, and as the weather was squally, with every indication of a heavy gale approaching, she was kept under observation. After a time, as no signals for help were made by the ketch, it was decided that the Life-boat was not needed. By 2 P.M. the weather had become considerably worse ; the ketch flew a signal of distress ; and the Motor Life - boat Priscilla Macbean was launched. A moderate S. to S.W.

gale was then blowing, with a very heavy sea, and rain. The ketch was found to be the Maggie Murray, of Ayr, bound in ballast from Ramsey to Mary- port. Her sails had blown away and her windlass was broken. A Life-boat- man was put on board her to help get out a second anchor in the hope that she would ride out the gale. Her crew of two men were then, with some difficulty, taken on board the Life-boat and brought to Maryport. — Rewards, £11 5s. Gd..