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Kings Cross and Athendale

About mid-day on 13th October, the tug King's Cross entered Scrabster Harbour and reported that she had been taking the steamer Athendale, of North Shields, to Glasgow, to be broken up, but that the tow-rope had parted and the steamer was adrift off Strathy Point. She had lost her about midnight, and burned flares all night, but they had not been seen. A strong W.N.W. gale was blowing with a heavy sea. The Motor Life-boat H.C.J. was launched at once and found the steamer, but had great difficulty in getting alongside. She rescued three of the crew; then the ropes parted. She got alongside again, and rescued the remaining three men.

On the way back to her Station she met a strong ebb tide and heavy rain squalls, and arrived at 5.15 P.M.— Rewards, £7 12s..