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A Hornsey School's Concert and Collection

A DONATION of £3 13s. has been received from the Campsbourne Road Girls' School, Hornsey, London, and many may like to know how the girls succeeded in collecting such a sum. First, two concerts were given by the Play Centre, and the headmistress reports that they " were organized and carried through by a small group of girls who asked to be allowed to present the concert of their own development for the benefit of the Institution." The amounts realised—£1 and £1 Is.—were made up entirely of pennies and twopencea paid, by the children to attend the concerts.

Then the girls of Form 2 asked if they might be allowed to borrow the school Life-boat Collecting Box, and each girl in the class took it home in turn and made a collection amongst her own.

family and friends. The result was £1 12s..