£207 By Photography
ADMIRAL STUART NICHOLSON, C.B., M.V.O., D.L., who has been Honorary Secretary of the Bude Branch since 1921, and was presented last year with the Gold Badge, has contributed £207 to the funds of the Branch by photography, principally by portraits. As it is thought that other Branches may be interested in this method of raising funds, Admiral Nicholson has kindly given the following particulars of his methods which have been so successful: " First you must be able to take good portraits, and then you must persuade people to come and be photographed! Start with relatives and friends, and then if your work is good, it will adver- tise itself and bring in more sitters. A good plan' is to take portraits at a garden fete at a small charge, say, 2s.
a head, and if successful, you will prob- ably secure several repeat orders. For studio portraits, cabinet size, I charge 30*. a dozen, or 2s. 6d. each, besides a small charge for the sitting and proofs.
" Any well-lighted room of fair size is suitable for use as a studio, but a por- trait lens of long focus is a necessity." It should be added that the Bude Branch, which was a Station Branch until 1923, and has since been a Financial Branch, has been one. of the most successful in raising funds, and one of the most original in finding new methods of doing it. Last year, with its popula- tion of under 4,000, it contributed £183, or over eleven pence a head, and in the twelve years since 1920 it has collected nearly £2,000..