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Tributes to Sir George Shee

Torbay Motor Life-boat to be Named after Him.

AT their meeting on 17th September the Committee of Management resolved to " mark their high appreciation of Sir George Shee, as Secretary of the Institu- tion for twenty-one years, by naming a Motor Life-boat after him." Sir George Shee was given the choice of three Motor Life-boats now on the coast, but without names, and he has chosen the Boat which was stationed at Torbay, Devon, last year. She is a Boat of the Barnett (Stromness) cabin type, 51 feet by 13 feet 6 inches, with two 60 h.p. engines, giving her a maxi- mum speed of 9 knots, and a radius of action of 60 miles.

The Committee of Management showed their personal regard for Sir George Shee by presenting him with an inscribed gold watch, from the Vice- Presidents and Members of the Com- mittee. The presentation was made by Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee, at a special meeting on 8th October.

From die Committee of Management.

At the next meeting, held on 15th October, Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman, proposed, the Hon. George Colville, Deputy-Chairman, seconded, and the Committee unanimously carried the following resolution :— " That the most cordial thanks of the Committee of Management be accorded to Sir George Shee for his long, dis- tinguished and most valuable services to the Royal National Life-Boat Insti- tution, and that this Committee desire to place on record their sense of the notable developments made by the Institution during his Secretaryship, and their very deep appreciation of his devotion to the Life-Boat Service, his untiring zeal on its behalf and the unfail- ing eloquence with which he has pre- sented its claims to the British people, as well as their very high esteem and regard for him both as an Officer of the Institution and as a friend." From Ireland.

On 23rd September Sir George Shee attended in Dublin the first Conference of Life-boat Workers in the Irish Free State, at which Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., presided. At the end of the morning session Senator Andrew Jameson, Chair- man of the Dublin Branch, proposed, Father O'Shea, a Gold Medallist of the Institution, seconded, and the delegates unanimously carried the following reso- lution :— " That this meeting of the delegates attending the Life-boat Conference at Dublin, desires to place on record its high appreciation of the long and valu- able services rendered to the Life-boat Cause by Sir George Shee during the twenty-one years he has been the Secretary of the Institution : that this meeting also offers its congratulations to Sir George on the honour which H.M. the King has been graciously pleased to confer upon him in recogni- tion of his services to humanity, and expresses the sincere hope that he and Lady Shee may be long spared to enjoy the retirement so well deserved." From Scotland.

On 25th September Sir George Shee attended the bi-annual meeting of the Scottish Life-boat Council in Edin- burgh, and was entertained to luncheon by the Council. The Duke of Montrose, C.B., C.V.O., V.D., a Vice-President of the Institution and Chairman of the Council, presided, and on behalf of the Council presented him with a silver coffee set. In making the presentation, the Duke of Montrose spoke of Sir George Shee as "a typical British gentleman who has always put national service first." On 29th September, at a meeting of the officers and staff of the Institu- tion, Lieut.-Colonel Satterthwaite, the Deputy-Secretary, presented Sir George Shee, on their behalf, with a cainera, and a hand-bag for Lady Shee.

From the Dutch Life-boat Societies.

Sir George Shee also received from the North and South Holland Life- saving Society and the South Holland Society for Saving the Shipwrecked a magnificent plate of Delft ware which had been-—so Mr. H. de Booy, Secre- tary of the North and South Holland Society, wrote—" specially manufac- tured for you as a product of Dutch art and Dutch industry." On the back was burnt in a design of a Life-boat and an inscription, in Dutch, " To Sir George Shee, in memory of twenty-one years' friendship and co-operation." This inscription was signed by the two Societies.

From the Board of Trade.

Finally, Sir George Shee received the following letter from Sir Philip Cunliffe- Lister, M.C., M.P., President of the Board of Trade :— " Dear Sir George, " I understand that you are retiring at the end of this month from the post of Secretary of the Royal National Life-boat Institution which you have held since 1910. It would not be right that you should leave office without receiving from the Board of Trade an expression of their recognition of the great value of the services which you have rendered during your tenure of the post of Secretary in facilitating that close co-operation between the Institution and the Board which is essential for the proper carrying out of the life-saving services on the coasts of this country.

" The Board and their representatives have been happy to work with the Institution in this direction, and I have no doubt that you, as Secretary to the Institution, will have been gratified by those references in the recent Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to enquire into H.M. Coastguard which indicate that every effort has been made on both sides to secure the necessary co-operation.

" It gives me great pleasure to assure you, on behalf of the Board of Trade, how greatly they appreciate the high value of the services which you have rendered to the community in this important field of work.

" Yours sincerely, " (Signed) P. CUNLIFFE-LISTEB.".