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The New Secretary

Appointment of Lieutenant-Colonel C. R. Satterthwaite, O.BJL THE Committee of Management have appointed .Lieutenant-Colonel C. R.

Satterthwaite, O.B.E., the Deputy- Secretary, to be Secretary of the Institution in succession to Sir George Shee.

Colonel Satterthwaite was born in 1884, and is a son of Colonel- Edward Satterthwaite, C.B., who commanded the Kent Territorial Brigade before the War, and was for over thirty years Secretary to the Committee for General Purposes of the London Stock Exchange.

He was educated at Rugby, where he won a classical scholarship, and from Rugby passed first in the list into the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich.

He was a Senior Under Officer in his last term, and passed out at the head of his term with the Pollock Medal and the Sword of Honour.

He was gazetted to the Royal Engi- neers in 1902, and while serving with them at Hong Kong, travelled in Japan.

On returning home he was appointed an Instructor at the School of Military Engineering at Chatham, and held this appointment until the outbreak of war in August, 1914, when he was sent to Ireland to train a company of the First Hundred Thousand of the New Armies in the 10th Irish Division.

He went with the Division to Galli- poli, and was present at the Suvla Bay landing on August 8th, 1915. He was wounded, and after a month in hospital returned to Gallipoli. He went to Salonika when the 10th Division was moved to that front, but he was in- valided home during the winter of 1915.

He was appointed to the War Office during his convalescence, and did not serve abroad again, but was engaged, until the end of the War, in Anti- Aircraft Searchlight work, travelling between the War Office and the Western Front.

After the War he was engaged in the work of transferring many large muni- tion factories to the War Department, for which services he was awarded the O.B.E. in 1919. He was then put in charge of the Architectural Design Branch of the War Office, and retired with the rank of Major in 1922, being then appointed Adviser on Buildings to the Director-General of the Territorial Army. In this capacity he visited almost every county in England, Scotland and Wales. In 1927 he was promoted Lieutenant-Colonel in the Reserve of Officers.

At the beginning of 1925 the Com- mittee of Management chose Colonel Satterthwaite from among some hun- dreds of applicants for the post of Deputy-Secretary.

Colonel Satterthwaite has been an enthusiastic player of all outdoor games. At one time he played for the Army and Kent at hockey, and he is a keen ski-er..