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"The Life-Boats Must Not Go Short." A Subscription Multiplied a Hundred Times

DURING the financial crisis of this autumn, both before and since the General Election, the Institution has received many letters from subscribers which can best be summarized in the words of one subscriber, who, in sending her usual two guineas, wrote : " Who- ever goes short, it must not be the Life- boat Institution." Space will not allow of quotation from all these very touching and encouraging letters inspired by that feeling, but two in particular deserve to be recorded in this Journal.

The first letter is :— " I fully realize the magnificent work that this Institution does, and knowing that in these hard times you may find it difficult to collect all the money you require, I have much pleasure in raising my last year's subscription of 5s. to one of £25 this year." The second letter is :— " Yes, it is difficult to make a widow's mites go round in the charitable co)n- tributions dear to a heart larger than her income these days—but, where there is still any ' shot in the locker,' the Royal National Life-boat Institu- tion shall not be of the ' impos- sibles.' ".