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Life-Boat Calendar for 1932

THE Life-boat Calendar for 1932 is now ready. It has on it a reproduction in colours of a painting which Mr.

Charles Dixon, R.I., has very kindly done for the Institution called " At the Height of the Storm." It shows a Life-boat making her way to a sailing ship in distress.

The calendar is llf inches long by 9 inches wide, and can be obtained from the Institution in any quantity, post free, Is. each, or 10s. a dozen, this price including an envelope with each calendar. It weighs, in the envelope, just under 4 ounces, so that it can be sent through the post, with the envelope open, for Id.

Those who wish to order calendars should apply at once to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 42 Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I, and should enclose with their order a postal order or stamps.

Only such orders can be dealt with..