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Articles Held Over

OWING to lack of space the following articles and reports are held over until the next issue: " Memories of the Sea and the Life-boat Service," by Mr.

Ernest Woolfield, Honorary Secretary of the Kessingland Station, " Cen- tenaries of Life-boat Stations," " Prince of Wales at the Liverpool Ball," " The 'Charterhouse' Life-boat," "£207 by Photography," "£70 from the 'Sea Microcosm,'" " A Working Men's Dance," " A Hornsey School Concert and Collection," "Special Gifts," " Awards to Honorary Workers," and Obituary Notices of the late Mrs.

Hodgetts, of Lewisham, and Mrs. E. S.

Raymond, of Llandudno.


All Honorary Secretaries of Branches and Ladies' Life-boat Guilds and all subscribers of ten shillings and over are entitled, to receive THE LIFEBOAT quarterly free.

Att contributions for the Institution should be sent either to the Honorary Secretary of the local Branch or Guild or to the Secretary, Royal National Life-boat Institution, Life-boat House, 42, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W. 1.

All inquiries about the work of the Institution or about the Journal should be addressed to the Secretary.

To Our Readers.

This Journal is the current record of the work of the Institution, and the chief means by which it keeps its honorary workers, subscribers and the general public informed of its activities. You will therefore be helping the Institution if, when you nave read this number, you will kindly pass it on to a friend; unless, of course, you are keeping a complete set of the Journals.

The next number of " The Lifeboat" will be published in February, 1932..