The Humber Boat-House
AT Spurn Point, on the Humber, on llth July, a tablet on the Life-boat House was unveiled to the memory of the late Mr. S. Crabtree Helm, of Bradford and Ilkley, who left £2,000 to the Institution, as well as a share in the ultimate residuary estate. This legacy has been used to defray the costs of the Life-boat Slipway at Spurn Point, which has been built for the new Motor Life-boat City of Bradford II.
This is the latest of a number of generous gifts which the Life-boat Ser- vice has received from Bradford. Three Life-boats stationed at Ramsgate, the first in 1866, were built out of funds raised in Bradford, and bore the city's name. As a special Centenary Gift to the Institution, Bradford collected £10,000, out of which another City of Bradford was built, the Motor Life-boat stationed at Spurn Point in 1923. This boat was replaced in 1929 by a more powerful Motor Life-boat, which was in part provided out of another special fund raised in Bradford, and is named City of Bradford II. It is for this boat that the slipway has been provided out of this legacy from a Bradford man.
Sir William Priestley, J.P., a Vice- President of the Institution and Chair- man of the Bradford and District Branch, presided at the ceremony, and some forty members of the Bradford Branch were present. Mr. Alvin Whiteley, one of the executors of the late Mr. Helm, unveiled the Tablet, and it was dedicated by the Rev. Canon R. Whincup, M.A., M.C., Vicar of Heaton, Bradford.
Sir William Priestley presented to the Station a Centenary Vellum, signed by the Prince of Wales as President of the Institution. The Station's record will be given in an article on the presentation of Centenary Vellums during the present year, which will appear in the next issue of The Lifeboat.
Before the ceremony the Life-boat was launched, and after it the guests were entertained to tea by the Life-boat Crew and their wives..