Life-Boat Conferences
South Eastern District.
CONFERENCES of Life-boat Workers in the South Eastern District were held at St. Leonards-on-Sea (for Branches in Berkshire, Buckinghamshire, Kent.
Surrey and Sussex) on 4th and 5th May, and at Clacton-on-Sea (for Branches in Bedfordshire, Cambridge- shire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Huntingdon- shire, Norfolk and Suffolk) on 28th and 29th May.
Representatives from twenty-three Branches and Guilds attended the Con- ference at St. Leonards-On-Sea and were officially welcomed by the Mayor of Hastings, and representatives from twelve Branches and Guilds attended at Clacton-on-Sea, and received a wel- come from the Chairman of the Urban District Council. At each Conference the chair was taken by Mr. H. A.
Baker, a member of the Committee of Management of the Institution, sup- ported at Clacton-on-Sea by Sir George Shee, Secretary of the Institution, and at St. Leonards-On-Sea by Lieut.- Colonel C. R. Satterthwaite, O.B.E., Deputy Secretary of the Institution.
The District Organizing Secretary was present at both Conferences. .
On the first day of each Conference the Delegates sat in County Groups, each Group with its own Chairman, and considered : The possibilities of extend- ing Branch areas, and forming new Branches (County maps were provided for this purpose) ; the line to be taken at the General Conference on the second day in connexion with the various methods of publicity and propa- ganda ; and new ideas for collecting money.
On the second day, following a brief survey of the work of the Institution, the Chairman of each County Group gave a short summary of its delibera- tions, and a general discussion followed, during which the following points were made : The necessity for broadening the basis of appeals with a view to securing a larger number of contributors of small amounts.
The importance of organizing a Special Effort to take the place of a Life-boat Day where permission to hold a Day was refused by local authorities.
In this connexion a House-to-House Collection or a " Mile of Pennies " was regarded as particularly suitable.
The value of the Essay Competition in obtaining the support of schools, and, in this connexion, the importance of making a function of the presentation of the Certificates for the winning essays.
The value of lectures in villages, and also to such bodies as Women's Insti- tutes, Schools, Toe H, Rotary Clubs, the Junior Imperial League, Women's Co-operative Societies, Masonic Lodges, and the Brotherhood and Sisterhood Movement.
The value of personal appeals in obtaining contributions, and the import- ance of obtaining the renewal of all contributions each year, including dona- tions.
The great value of the House-to- House Collection in obtaining small con- tributions.
The importance of organizing a variety of efforts in order to reach all classes of inhabitants.
The great value of the Ladies' Life- boat Guild, and the importance of allotting each member some definite work.
The excellent results obtained in certain Districts by carol singing at Christmas.
The value of autumn and winter efforts, and the importance of taking every advantage of Cinemas, Theatres and Amateur Dramatic Societies.
The necessity for co-operation between the Branch and the Guild, especially in connexion with the division of the work to be undertaken.
The value, at Branches on the coast, of having the Life-boat launched on Life-boat Day and, where the Branch did not have a Life-boat, of arranging with the Honorary Secretary of the nearest Station for the Life-boat to be in attendance.
The value of Life-boat Films, par- ticularly when used in connexion with Life-boat Day.
At each Conference the Delegates decided that these Conferences were very valuable and that they should be held annually.
At the Conference at St. Leonards, the Chairman presented to Mr. A. J.
Uridge, the Gold Pendant awarded to him by the Committee of Management in recognition of his work as Honorary Secretary of the Lewes Branch.
At both Conferences the Life-boat was launched with a number of Delegates on board.
Midlands District.
A Conference of Life-boat Workers from Branches and Ladies' Life-boat Guilds in the Midlands District was held at Nottingham on the 6th May, 1931.
The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress gave a Reception and Dance in the Council House on the evening of the 6th, and Delegates from over forty Branches and Guilds were welcomed by the Lord Mayor. The Conference was opened by the Lord Mayor. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Management, presided, supported by Sir George Shee, the Secretary of the Institution, and the District Organizing Secretary.
The Humber Motor Life-boat City of Bradford II. came up the River Trent, and was inspected by many of the Delegates. The Life-boat was in charge of Coxswain Robert Cross, and Coxswain Griggs, of the City of Notting- ham Motor Life-boat, stationed at Hythe, was also on board.
In opening the proceedings the Chair- man presented to Mrs. Morey, of Leicester, the Gold Brooch awarded to her by the Committee of Management in recognition of her work for the Institu- tion, and to the Officers and men of the Long Eaton Fire Brigade the Record of Thanks in recognition of their services.
During the morning a telegram received by the Lord Mayor was read to the Delegates as follows :—" The Life-boat workers of South Eastern District, assembled at Hastings, send Greetings to their fellow-workers in the Midlands and best wishes for a successful and useful Conference." After a short survey of the work of the Institution by the Secretary, a discussion took place on methods of publicity and propaganda, in the course of which the following points were made :— The necessity for the closest possible co-operation between the Ladies' Life- boat Guild and the Branch.
The importance of extending Branch appeals to the surrounding villages. In this connexion a personal visit was necessary. Attempting to arrange by correspondence had not been successful.
The personal touch in connexion with all appeals was emphasized.
The value of showing the Institution's films on all occasions and arranging collections where possible.
The help obta ined from teachers in the villages.
The value of the Prince of Wales's Collecting Card.
The importance of Lectures in stimu- lating interest in the work of the Institution.
The help derived from the proper distribution of the Journal.
In the afternoon, Delegates were taken for a motor drive to Welbeck Abbey, the residence of the Duke of Portland, K.G., Patron of the Notting- ham Branch.
North Western District.
A Conference of Workers from Branches and Ladies' Life-boat Guilds in the North Western District was held at St. Annes on the 8th May. Delegates were present from a large number of Branches. Sir Godfrey Baring, Bt., Chairman of the Committee of Manage- ment, presided, supported by Sir George Shee, Secretary of the Institution, the District Organizing Secretary.
Sir George Shee gave a brief survey of the work of the Institution. In the general discussion on methods of pub- licity and propaganda which followed, trie following points were made :— The importance of keeping the Insti- tution's needs before the public all the year round.
The value of Whist Drives and social efforts as a means of raising funds.
The desirability of arranging for Life- boat Day to be held early in the year.
The value of the House Collecting Boxes for private use by families.
The importance of the Life-boat Day as the best method of appealing to every class of the community.
The value of Lantern Lectures to schools.
After lunch a display of Life-boat Films was given, and at the beginning of the afternoon session the Mayor and Mayoress of Lytham-St.-Annes held a reception of the Delegates..