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The Prince and the Fishwife. The Whole Secret of Getting People to Give

AT the Annual Meeting the Prince of Wales was able to announce that, as a result of his appeal to the big passenger liner companies three years ago, no fewer than five new Motor Life-boats were now on the coast, the gifts of six of these companies.

After his Presidential Address, the Prince presented, among the other awards, the Gold Brooch awarded to Mrs. Polly Donkin, the fishwife of Cullercoats who, in her way, has also done notable service in helping the Institution. In the past nine years she has collected by her own endeavours £272 out of the total of £1,055 collected by the Cullercoats fishwives at the summer exercise of the Cullercoats Life- boat.

In presenting the Brooch the Prince of Wales said : " How do you get the money, Mrs. Donkin ? " Mrs. Donkin replied: "I like to get the money, and I get the money.".