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Sir Charles H. Wilson, LL.D, F.S.A.A., of Leeds

BY the death, on 30th December, 1930, at the age of seventy-four, of Sir Charles Wilson, LL.D., F.S.A.A., Chairman of its Leeds Branch, the Institution has lost one of the most distinguished of its honorary workers. In spite of his many other interests and activities, as a business man and politician, Sir Charles Wilson took a close and personal interest in the work of the Leeds Branch, and his help, experience and great influence were always at its service. He was a devoted friend of the Life-boat cause for over thirty years. For a number of years he was the Honorary Secrefary of the Leeds Life-boat Saturday Fund. When that Fund was taken over by the Institution in 1911 he became a member of the committee of the Leeds Branch, and in 1929 he was elected Chairman. During his Chair- manship Leeds contributed over £8,250 to the Institution. Last October Sir Charles Wilson was appointed an Honor- ary Life-Governor, the highest distinc- tion which the Institution can confer on an honorary worker..